I am using the following Ansible playbook to shut down a list of remote Ubuntu hosts all at once:
- hosts: my_hosts
become: yes
remote_user: my_user
- name: Confirm shutdown
prompt: >-
Do you really want to shutdown machine(s) "{{play_hosts}}"? Press
Enter to continue or Ctrl+C, then A, then Enter to abort ...
- name: Cancel existing shutdown calls
command: /sbin/shutdown -c
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Shutdown machine
command: /sbin/shutdown -h now
Two questions on this:
I tried something with the net_ping module but I am not sure if this is its real purpose:
- name: Check that machine is down
become: no
dest: "{{ ansible_host }}"
count: 5
state: absent
This, however, fails with
FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "invalid connection specified, expected connection=local, got ssh"}
There is no shutdown
module. You can use single fire-and-forget call:
- name: Shutdown server
become: yes
shell: sleep 2 && /sbin/shutdown -c && /sbin/shutdown -h now
async: 1
poll: 0
As for net_ping
, it is for network appliances such as switches and routers. If you rely on ICMP messages to test shutdown process, you can use something like this:
- name: Store actual host to be used with local_action
original_host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
- name: Wait for ping loss
local_action: shell ping -q -c 1 -W 1 {{ original_host }}
register: res
retries: 5
until: ('100.0% packet loss' in res.stdout)
failed_when: ('100.0% packet loss' not in res.stdout)
changed_when: no
This will wait for 100% packet loss
or fail after 5 retries.
Here you want to use local_action
because otherwise commands are executed on remote host (which is supposed to be down).
And you want to use trick to store ansible_host
into temp fact, because ansible_host
is replaced with
when delegated to local host.