Let me make this disclaimier : I have clear understanding of virtual function call in Constructor or Destructor.
In the below code I am trying to avoid virtual destructor ONLY FOR EXPERIMENTAL purpose.
Now my question is:
In main the call to Destroy fun calls the right virtual function. I am expecting any call to Destroy Function should call the right virtual fun.
But the same Destroy function placed in Base destructor call's the Base virtual function.
Is this related to static binding or compiler optimization?
class Base
void Destroy()
virtual void callVirtual()
cout<<"In Base callVirtual "<<endl;
~ Base()
cout<<"In Base Destructor"<<endl;
class Derived : public Base
void callVirtual()
cout"<<In Derived callVirtual"<<endl;
int main()
Base *pointer = new Derived();
pointer->Destroy(); // Calls the right callVirtual
return 0;
In a destructor, the dynamic type of this
is that of the current class, not the original dynamic type of the object. See e.g. http://www.artima.com/cppsource/nevercall.html.