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Using lodash _.memoize combine with _.random

I saw this code written by someone (in angularjs), and I want to know how this work (just ask for my knowledge):

    $scope.changeVisibility = function() {
        $scope.visibility = _.memoize(function() {
            return !!_.random(0, 4);

and extra HTML for view (changeVisibility and visibility are used):

<button ng-click="changeVisibility()">Visibility change</button>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col" visible="visibility(1)">
    1. Row, 1. Col

  <div class="col" visible="visibility(2)">
    Mark Hane<br>
    28 yearold<br>
    234 SG

  <div class="col" visible="visibility(3)">
    <div class="row"  ng-if="visibility(3)">
      1. Row, 3. Col, 1. Row --  1<br>
      1. Row, 3. Col, 1. Row --  2
    <div class="row"  ng-if="visibility(3)">
      1. Row, 3. Col, 2. Row --  1<br>
      1. Row, 3. Col, 2. Row --  2<br>
      1. Row, 3. Col, 2. Row --  3
... so on to  visibility(9)

Can someone tell me? Thanks a lot.


  • I believe it hides some of the content if it rolled a 0 in the visibility function. Basically, it has a small chance of 1/X to be hidden, where X is the highest range in _.random(0,X). It stores this generated number in cache for a particular index with _.memoize (possibly to reduce $digest cycle executables for each watcher).

    Here is a similar code to see how it works (Plunker):

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <body ng-app="app">
      <div ng-controller="myCtrl">
        <button ng-click="changeVisibility()">Visibility change</button>
        <div ng-repeat="i in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]">
          visibility({{$index+1}}) - {{visibility($index+1)}}
          <span ng-if="visibility($index+1)">- [i c u]</span>
        var app = angular.module('app', []);
        app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
          $scope.changeVisibility = function() {
            $scope.visibility = _.memoize(function() {
              return !!_.random(0, 10);
          $scope.changeVisibility(); // initialise 