From a navigation Route from Point A(coodinate/point) to Point B(coodinate/point) -
i want to know if i can convert them into a list of GPS coordinates(or traces), with some fixed interval i.e, these coordinates will trace out the path of the route
I found one way using OSRM If we send this request-
We'll get the output in JSON format, where the locations are listed. Added a sample code which i made-
URL = ""+args.coord+"?overview="+args.ovw+"&steps="+args.steps
r=requests.get(URL, verify=False)
data = r.json()
if data["code"]=='Ok':
for i in range(len(data["routes"])):
for j in range(len(data["routes"][i]["legs"])):
for k in range(len(data["routes"][i]["legs"][j]["steps"])):
for l in range(len(data["routes"][i]["legs"][j]["steps"][k]["intersections"])):