While clicking on any notification which my app sends to my Android TV, I am only getting the data from the last notification added and not the notification I clicked on.
My code:
for (Asset asset : assets) {
ContentRecommendation.Builder builder = new ContentRecommendation.Builder()
int id = asset.getId().hashCode();
Intent detailsIntent = new Intent(mContext, LoginActivity.class);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putParcelable(mContext.getString(R.string.key_asset), asset);
detailsIntent.putExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_ASSET, bundle);
builder.setIdTag("Asset" + id)
.setText(asset.getCast().replace(",", ", "))
detailsIntent, 0, null)
.setPricingInformation(ContentRecommendation.CONTENT_PRICING_SUBSCRIPTION, "$4.99")
.setContentTypes(new String[]{ContentRecommendation.CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE, ContentRecommendation.CONTENT_TYPE_SERIAL})
.setProgress((int) (asset.getDuration() % 100000), (int) (asset.getPauseTime() % 100000))
ContentRecommendation rec = builder.build();
Notification notification = rec.getNotificationObject(mContext);
mNotifManager.notify(id, notification);
What is causing this error and how do I solve it?
You have to pass different request code in setContentIntentData for each notification.
detailsIntent, diff_value, null)