I have a powershell script to deploy a service bus namespace
This is the command i use to deploy it .
New-AzureRmServiceBusNamespace -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroupName -NamespaceName $ServiceBusNamespace -Location $Location
The above command expects a location parameter to be entered. I want that location value as the Location where my resource group is located . How do i extract the Location value of my resource Group ?
I tried various methods and failed. it shows @{location=west us} , when i tried this
$location = Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Tag @{} | Select-Object Location
Write-Host $location
Need help . Thanks !
$loc = Get-AzureRMResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName | select-object -expandproperty location
Well, if you want to GET
something use appropriate verb.
or like this:
$rg = Get-AzureRMResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName