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Passing More then One Parameter to [sp_execute_external_script] for Executing R code

Here is the scenario where i am trying to pass three parameter namely empid2 and Name1 & DOB1. i am unable to pass the parameter and get the resultant data frame at the OutPutDataset. Observed : with One Parameter passing i am getting the result but with more then one parameter i am unable to get the Output Data Frame.

ALTER procedure [dbo].[spGetAllEmployees] 
@empid2 int,
@Name1 Varchar(50)
--@DOB1 Date   
Declare @empid int
Declare @NewName varchar(50)

EXECUTE sp_execute_external_script
 @language = N'R'
,@script = N'df <-;df[,1] <- df[,1]+1;OutputDataSet <-df'
,@input_data_1 = N'select * from tblEmployee where EmployeeId=@empid AND Name=@NewName'
,@params = N'@empid Int OUTPUT'
,@empid = @empid2
,@NewName =@Name1
WITH RESULT SETS (([Col1] Int, [Col2] varchar(50), [Col3] varchar(50), Col4 varchar(50),Col5 varchar(50)));


-- EXEC dbo.spGetAllEmployees @empid2 ='1', @Name1='Nabi';  

With Above Parameter empid2 and Name1 & DOB1 from given Data Frame/Data Table we are trying to subset the Table .
Sub setting the Table with 3 Parameter and process through RScript and data in OutputDataset


  • You need to Write Output Syntax @Params in the query.

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[spGetAllEmployees] 
            @empid2 int,
            @Name1 Varchar(50),
            @DOB1 Date   
        Declare @empid int
        Declare @NewName varchar(50)
        Declare @NewDOB Varchar(50)
            EXECUTE sp_execute_external_script
             @language = N'R'
            ,@script = N'df <-;df[,1] <- df[,1]+1;OutputDataSet <-df'
            ,@input_data_1 = N'select * from tblEmployee where EmployeeId=@empid AND Name=@NewName AND DOB=@NewDOB'
            ,@params = N'@empid Int OUTPUT,@NewName varchar(50) OUTPUT,@NewDOB Varchar(50) OUTPUT'
            ,@empid = @empid2
            ,@NewName =@Name1
            WITH RESULT SETS (([Col1] Int, [Col2] varchar(50), [Col3] varchar(50), Col4 varchar(50),Col5 varchar(50),Col6 varchar(50)));
        -- EXEC dbo.spGetAllEmployees @empid2 ='1', @Name1='Nabi',@DOB1='2017-04-01';