Here is my problem. I want to modify an image using caman and then upload it to firebase. That's my code
import { Component, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController, NavParams, AlertController } from 'ionic-angular';
import firebase from 'firebase';
declare var Caman: any;
selector: 'page-filtri',
templateUrl: 'filtri.html'
export class FiltriPage {
fotoModificata: any;
public fotoScelta;
itemRef : firebase.database.Reference = firebase.database().ref('/matrimonio1');
firestore =;
alertCtrl: AlertController;
imgsource: any;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, alertCtrl: AlertController, public zone: NgZone,
) {
this.alertCtrl = alertCtrl;
this.fotoScelta = navParams.get("foto");
Caman("#image", function(){
this.render(function () {
var fotoModificata = this.toBase64();
upload() {
let storageRef =;
const filename = Math.floor( / 1000);
const imageRef = storageRef.child(`images/${filename}.jpg`);
imageRef.putString(this.fotoModificata,> {
// il codice sotto prende l'url della foto appena caricata
this.firestore.ref().child(`images/${filename}.jpg`).getDownloadURL().then((url) => { => {
this.imgsource = url;
// carica l'url in firebase.database
let newPostRef = this.itemRef.push();
"nome" : " ",
"url" : url
}, (err) => { });
showSuccesfulUploadAlert() {
let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: 'Caricata!',
subTitle: 'La foto è stata caricata!',
buttons: ['OK']
this.fotoModificata = "";
I know for sure that the upload() function works. Ho can I export the var fotoModificata from the addFilter function to be used in upload() ? If I use console.log immediately after the var declaration i can see in console the base64 string of my image but if I log in console somewhere else I've and undefined. How can I solve?
OK this feels like all you need is to pass result of addFilter function (currently stored in var fotoModificata) to global var (fotoModificata).
I would do this below:
addFilter() {
// save scope of global "this" here:
let scope = this;
Caman("#image", function(){
this.render(function() {
// use the scope as a pointer to the global scope to assign the value:
scope.fotoModificata = this.toBase64();