Module website
has this template:
<template id="footer_default" inherit_id="website.footer_custom" customize_show="True" name="Automatic Footer">
<xpath expr="//div[@id='footer']" position="replace">
They are setting the customize_show
attribute and I want to to override it to false in my module to get rid of the option in the customize menu.
I tried this and serveral other ways:
<template id="footer_default" inherit_id="website.footer_custom" customize_show="False" active="False" name="Automatic Footer">
But I guess the problem is that mine is my_module.footer_default
so I won't be able to override it that way i guess.
You may try updating the ir.ui.view
record of the template directly:
<record id="website.footer_default" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="customize_show" eval="False"/>