I am a quite new with Rundeck and I am confusing with Users in Rundeck configuration, in Rundeck server and in Rundeck node.
I have read all official documentation and I understand Users definition in Rundeck's daemon. However, I don't know if a new user (called for example rundeck) is needed in Rundeck server to execute the daemon or it is created when Rundeck is installed with rpm. So, I don't know which user is used by Rundeck's daemon to executed.
Another question I have is if a rundeck user (may be with sudo privileges depending jobs) is needed in nodes to execute jobs. I think the user that Rundeck uses to logging on the Node is the user it use to execute jobs. This means a rundeck user has to be added in all nodes.
Could someone answer my questions? Thanks beforehand, regards
The user account that runs the Rundeck service depends on the install type. System packaged instances (like from .deb and .rpm) will automatically create a service account called "rundeck" to run the daemon process.
The user account used for remote execution is defined by the Node via the "username" attribute. Some Rundeck users have a common service account for all the remote executions but others use an already existing account on those remote hosts. That is just your convention.