I'm using DB2 11. I have a table employee & it contains one column as employee_id. It has 114131 records. Out of these records around 20% cases employee_id contains record in this format [12345678] & remaining 80% cases it's in this format 0012345678.So for these 20% cases, I want to remove the square brackets from emp_id and add 2 leading zeros to make it 10 characters long in employee_id column if square bracket is there. Can you please suggest me how to do that?
One way to do this with Db2 v11 on Windows (other ways are possible) is:
lpad(regexp_extract(employee_id, '\d+'),10,'0')
so you would use that in a SELECT or UPDATE as appropriate. This would remove any non digit characters, assuming that was the real intent, not only the [ ] .