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Get trading strategy vector of long positions based on crossing a threshold

This is somewhat of a simple manner, yet I couldn't really find a quick (1,2,3)-liner to solve it. I have a vector of rolling mean of 10 day returns - the strategy is simple: go long when the rolling mean crosses the zero barrier from below and sell when it crosses the barrier from above. To be more precise, let us say the rolling mean returns are stored in vector Returns.

which(Returns > 0)
[1]    3    4    5    9   10   11   14   18   27   28   29   36   37   38   47   48

Based on this I would be long at times 4,5,6 (at 3 we only get the entrance signal and at 6 we exit), 10,11,12,15,19 and so on. How can I get this vector? I have experimented with diff, another which and several other combinations but nothing really solves the problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Edit (based on the first answer):

Initiate_Long_Position  <- which(ifelse(goLong  == TRUE, 1,0) == 1) 
Terminate_Long_Position <- which(ifelse(goShort  == TRUE, 1,0) == 1) 

if (length(Terminate_Long_Position) > length(Initiate_Long_Position) ){
  Terminate_Long_Position <- Terminate_Long_Position[-1]

Days_Long_Returns <- rep(0, dim(ticker)[1])
Daily_returns <- returns(Cl(ticker))
for (i in 1:length(Initiate_Long_Position)){
  Days_Long_Returns[(Initiate_Long_Position[i]+1):(Terminate_Long_Position[i])] <-

I have added +1 to Initiate_Long_Position[i] in the foor loop as we only get the next period return after the signal to go long is observed, whereas selling is done in "real time". Am I missing something, i.e are returns properly indexed so that we are not looking into the future of using the returns i-1 at time i?


  • You need the zoo-package and the dplyr-package

    library(zoo) # to compute rolling means
    library(dplyr) # to compute lagged vectors
    a <- c(-5:5, 5:-5) # create a sample vector
    # rolling mean over the last 3 observations
    myRollmeans <- rollmean(a, 3, fill = NA, align = "right")
    goLong <- lag(myRollmeans) < 0 & myRollmeans >= 0
    goShort <- lag(myRollmeans) > 0 & myRollmeans <= 0
    data.frame(myRollmeans, goLong, goShort)

    Results in

           myRollmeans goLong goShort
    1           NA     NA      NA
    2           NA     NA      NA
    3    -4.000000  FALSE      NA
    4    -3.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    5    -2.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    6    -1.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    7     0.000000   TRUE   FALSE
    8     1.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    9     2.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    10    3.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    11    4.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    12    4.666667  FALSE   FALSE
    13    4.666667  FALSE   FALSE
    14    4.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    15    3.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    16    2.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    17    1.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    18    0.000000  FALSE    TRUE
    19   -1.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    20   -2.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    21   -3.000000  FALSE   FALSE
    22   -4.000000  FALSE   FALSE