I've got a problem with a modbus device :
The device send data in modbus protocol.
I read 4 bytes from the modbus communication that represent a pressure value
I have to convert theses 4 bytes in a unsigned 32bits integer.
There is the modbus documentation :
Pressure registers 2 & 3 in SENSOR INPUT REGISTER MAP of this guide are stored as u32 (UNSIGNED 32bit INTEGER)
You can calculate pressure manually :
1) Determine what display you have - if register values are positive skip to step 3.
2) Convert negative register 2 & 3 values from Signed to Unsigned (note: 65536 = 216 ):
(reg 2 value) + 65536* = 35464 ; (reg 3 value) + 65536 = 1
3) Shift register #3 as this is the upper 16 bits: 65536 * (converted reg 3 value) = 65536
4) Put two 16bit numbers together: (converted reg 2 value) + (converted reg 3 value) = 35464 + 65536 = 101000 Pa
Pressure information is then 101000 Pascal.
I don't find it very clear... For exemple, we don't have the 4 bytes that gives this calcul.
So, if anybody has a formula to convert my bytes into a 32bits unsigned int it could be very helpful
You should be able to read your bytes in some kind of type representation (hex, dec, bin, oct...)
let's assume you're receiving the following bytes frame:
in hex:
0x00, 0x06, 0x68, 0xA0
in bin:
0000 0000, 0000 0110, 0110 1000, 1010 0000
all of these are different representation of the same 4 bytes values.
Another thing that you should know is the bytes position (endianess):
If you're frame is transmitted in big endian, you're going to read the bytes in the order that you have them ( so 0x00, 0x06, 0x68, 0xA0
is correct).
If the frame is transmitted in little endian, you need to perform the following operation:
Switch the first 2 bytes with the last 2:
0x68, 0xA0, 0x00, 0x06
and then switch the position between the first and the second byte and the third and the fourth byte:
0xA0, 0x68, 0x06, 0x00
so if your frame is in little endian, the correct frame will be 0xA0, 0x68, 0x06, 0x00
If you don't know the endianess, assume it's in big endian.
Now you simply have to 'put' your values togheter:
0x00, 0x06, 0x68, 0xA0 will become 0x000668A0
0000 0000, 0000 0110, 0110 1000, 1010 0000 will become 00000000000001100110100010100000
Once you have your hex or bin, you can convert your bin to an integer or convert your hex to an integer
Here you can find an interesting tool for converting HEX to float, unit32, int32, int16 in all endianess.
if you can use python, you should use struct:
import struct
frame = [0x00, 0x06, 0x68, 0xA0] # or [0, 6, 104, 160] in dec or [0b00000000, 0b00000110, 0b01101000, 0b10100000] in bin
print struct.unpack('>L', ''.join(map(chr, frame)))[0]