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Using Implicit Type Class Parameters in Coq Notation

I'm trying to wrap my head around type classes in Coq (I've dabbled with it in the past, but I'm a far cry from being an experienced user). As an exercise, I am trying to write a group theory library. This is what I've come up with:

Class Group {S : Type} {op : S → S → S} := {
  id : S;

  inverse : S → S;

  id_left {x} : (op id x) = x;
  id_right {x} : (op x id) = x;

  assoc {x y z} : (op (op x y) z) = (op x (op y z));

  right_inv {x} : (op x (inverse x)) = id;

I am particularly fond of the implicit S and op parameters (assuming I understand them correctly).

Making some notation for inverses is easy:

Notation "- x" := (@inverse _ _ _ x)
  (at level 35, right associativity) : group_scope.

Now, I would like to make x * y a shorthand for (op x y). When working with sections, this is straightforward enough:

Section Group.
Context {S} {op} { G : @Group S op }.

(* Reserved at top of file *)
Notation "x * y" := (op x y) : group_scope.
(* ... *)
End Group.

However, since this is declared within a section, the notation is inaccessible elsewhere. I would like to declare the notation globally if possible. The problem I am running into (as opposed to inverse) is that, since op is an implicit parameter to Group, it doesn't actually exist anywhere in the global scope (so I cannot refer to it by (@op _ _ _ x y)). This problem indicates to me that I am either using type classes wrong or don't understand how to integrate notation with implicit variables. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction?

Answer (25 Jan 2018)

Based on Anton Trunov's response, I was able to write the following, which works:

Reserved Notation "x * y" (at level 40, left associativity).

Class alg_group_binop (S : Type) := alg_group_op : S → S → S.

Delimit Scope group_scope with group.
Infix "*" := alg_group_op: group_scope.

Open Scope group_scope.

Class Group {S : Type} {op : alg_group_binop S} : Type := {
  id : S;

  inverse : S → S;

  id_left {x} : id * x = x;
  id_right {x} : x * id = x;

  assoc {x y z} : (x * y) * z = x * (y * z);

  right_inv {x} : x * (inverse x) = id;



  • Here is how Pierre Castéran and Matthieu Sozeau solve this problem in A Gentle Introduction to Type Classes and Relations in Coq (§3.9.2):

    A solution from ibid. consists in declaring a singleton type class for representing binary operators:

    Class monoid_binop (A:Type) := monoid_op : A -> A -> A.

    Nota: Unlike multi-field class types, monoid_op is not a constructor, but a transparent constant such that monoid_op f can be δβ-reduced into f.

    It is now possible to declare an infix notation:

    Delimit Scope M_scope with M.
    Infix "*" := monoid_op: M_scope.
    Open Scope M_scope.

    We can now give a new definition of Monoid, using the type monoid_binop A instead of A → A → A, and the infix notation x * y instead of monoid_op x y :

    Class Monoid (A:Type) (dot : monoid_binop A) (one : A) : Type := {
      dot_assoc : forall x y z:A, x*(y*z) = x*y*z;
      one_left : forall x, one * x = x;
      one_right : forall x, x * one = x