I have to mimic a Google API response and create a 2-level deep data structure that is traversable by .
like this:
=> user.names.first_name
Is there any smarter/better way than this:
user = OpenStruct.new(names: OpenStruct.new(first_name: 'Bob'))
This method is rude method but works,
require 'ostruct'
require 'json'
# Data in hash
data = {"names" => {"first_name" => "Bob"}}
result = JSON.parse(data.to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)
And another method is adding method to Hash class itself,
class Hash
def to_openstruct
JSON.parse to_json, object_class: OpenStruct
Using above method you can convert your hash to openstruct
data = {"names" => {"first_name" => "Bob"}}