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What IAM roles are needed for deploying to Firebase Hosting?

I am trying to give permissions to a third party to make deployments to Firebase Hosting on a project I have set up. I explored the IAM permissions available in the GCP console, and the only half-related role seems to be the Firebase Rules System, however that didn't allow the user to deploy to hosting. While Project Editor would probably work, I don't want to give them that much authority, as they could launch other Firebase products at my expense.

What IAM roles should I add to allow a user to deploy to Firebase Hosting?


  • Update (2018-11-12): Firebase seems to have added more granular permission settings with their October 28, 2018 release:

    The Firebase console now offers predefined Firebase roles. These new roles enable more granular access than the primitive Owner/Editor/Viewer roles. To edit member access for your project, visit the Firebase console Users and permissions page. For more information on roles, see Manage project access with Firebase IAM.

    Digging deeper, I found these IAM entries related to hosting:

    Original answer:

    I asked Firebase support and the following was their reply:

    To be able to deploy hosting app your developer must be either an Owner or Editor. So in your case, lowest privilege that you can give is Editor because currently role-based access restriction for Static Hosting is unavailable. We're aware that many developers, such as yourself, would like more extensive and granular control for permissions. We're exploring potential solutions, but I can't share any details or timelines at this time.

    Keep an eye out on our release notes for any further updates.