I got a really weird situation; I have a tabviewcontroller that contains 5 tabs, and that tabviewcontroller is in a container that is in a uiviewcontroller which holds top and bottom bars. There are some extra pages and their linked buttons should not be shown in uitabbar, but in the parent uiviewcontrollers' top and bottom bars. When I open those extra pages, tabs, bottom bar and top bar should not disappear, only the container area in the tabviewcontroller should show that extra pages. I use latest version of swift and latest version of xcode.
Any ideas?
I made a sample Project Integrating Container View and Tab Bar Controller as you asked
Check - https://github.com/RockinGarg/ContainerView-TabBar.git
Tab bar VC1 -
Tab VC2 -
Other Controller in same ContainerView when Clicked Second fro bottom ToolBar Added