I just discovered that SIFT writes the Octave as packed value (octave, layer and scale).
I need this value unpacked since I have to use SIFT detector in combination with other descriptors (ORB, BRIEF, SURF, BRISK). Here you can find a similar question.
I already tried different solutions (see code below) but none seems to work in python (this one as well).
Any suggestion?
unpackOctave(keypoints[i], octave, layer, scale)
unpackOctave(const KeyPoint& kpt, int& octave, int& layer, float& scale){
octave = kpt.octave & 255;
layer = (kpt.octave >> 8) & 255;
octave = octave < 128 ? octave : (-128 | octave);
scale = octave >= 0 ? 1.f/(1 << octave) : (float)(1 << -octave);
I define a Python function to unpack SIFT Octave:
## 2018.01.23 11:12:30 CST
## created by Silencer
def unpackSIFTOctave(kpt):
@created by Silencer at 2018.01.23 11:12:30 CST
@brief Unpack Sift Keypoint by Silencer
@param kpt: cv2.KeyPoint (of SIFT)
_octave = kpt.octave
octave = _octave&0xFF
layer = (_octave>>8)&0xFF
if octave>=128:
octave |= -128
if octave>=0:
scale = float(1/(1<<octave))
scale = float(1<<-octave)
return (octave, layer, scale)
For example, I detect the sift kpts on the panda.
Use unpackSiftOctave
to unpack the sift kpts, get a list of (octave, layer, scale). Part of the unpacked result.
[(0, 3, 1.0),
(1, 3, 0.5),
(-1, 3, 2.0),
(-1, 3, 2.0),
(2, 1, 0.25),
(2, 1, 0.25),
(-1, 1, 2.0),
(-1, 1, 2.0),
(0, 2, 1.0),
(1, 3, 0.5),