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How to create link for executable file and indicate work folder in batch or VBS?

OS: Windows 7

I am trying to create a link to the desktop folder via batch like this:

mklink "%userprofile%\Desktop\MyExe" "%~dp0\MyExe.exe" 

The command worked, but how to indicate MyExe.exe execute at "%~dp0"? MyExe.exe looks like run at the current folder, so it can't load my config file.


Got the different problem by using VBS, run code in below will create a shortcut for C:\Users\jiu\Desktop\MyExe.exe, But I want MyExe.exe.

Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
userProfilePath = oWS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%")
currParentFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
linkPath = userProfilePath + "\Desktop\MyExe.LNK"
Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(linkPath)
    oLink.TargetPath = "MyExe.exe" 
    oLink.WorkingDirectory = currParentFolder


  • Based upon the information you have provided, here's a strange looking batch file which should create your desktop shortcut for you:

    ;@Rundll32 AdvPack.dll,LaunchINFSection "%~0",,1
    ;@GoTo :EOF
    Signature="$Windows NT$"
    InfoTip="Execute MyExe.exe"

    You can optionally modify:

    • The shortcuts display name
      by replacing the string inside the doublequotes on line 8.
    • The name of the target executable
      by replacing the string inside the doublequotes on line 9.
    • The shortcuts description comment
      by replacing the string inside the doublequotes on line 10.