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ExoPlayer not working with Ads

I have implemented the ExoPlayer in my application using the example from the Codelab :, algo with the example from, the only difference is that I use AdsMediaSource instead of the deprecated ImaAdsMediaSource. My Implementation is this:

class HostVideoFullFragment : Fragment(), AdsMediaSource.MediaSourceFactory {

    override fun getSupportedTypes() = intArrayOf(C.TYPE_DASH, C.TYPE_HLS, C.TYPE_OTHER)

    override fun createMediaSource(uri: Uri?, handler: Handler?, listener: MediaSourceEventListener?): MediaSource {
        @C.ContentType val type = Util.inferContentType(uri)
        return when (type) {
            C.TYPE_DASH -> {
                        .createMediaSource(uri, handler, listener)

            C.TYPE_HLS -> {
                        .createMediaSource(uri, handler, listener)

            C.TYPE_OTHER -> {
                        .createMediaSource(uri, handler, listener)

            else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unsupported type for createMediaSource: $type")

    private var player: SimpleExoPlayer? = null
    private lateinit var playerView: SimpleExoPlayerView
    private lateinit var binding: FragmentHostVideoFullBinding

    private var playbackPosition: Long = 0
    private var currentWindow: Int = 0
    private var playWhenReady = true

    private var inErrorState: Boolean = false

    private lateinit var adsLoader: ImaAdsLoader
    private lateinit var manifestDataSourceFactory: DataSource.Factory
    private lateinit var mediaDataSourceFactory: DataSource.Factory

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        //Initialize the adsLoader
        adsLoader = ImaAdsLoader(activity as Context, Uri.parse(""))

        manifestDataSourceFactory = DefaultDataSourceFactory(
                context, Util.getUserAgent(context, "BUO-APP"))//TODO change the applicationName with the right application name
        mediaDataSourceFactory = DefaultDataSourceFactory(
                Util.getUserAgent(context, "BUO-APP"),//TODO change the applicationName with the right application name

    private fun initializePlayer() {
        * Since the player can change from null (when we release resources) to not null we have to check if it's null.
        * If it is then reset again
        * */
        if (player == null) {
            //Initialize the Exo Player
            player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(DefaultRenderersFactory(activity as Context),

        val uri = Uri.parse(videoURl)

        val mediaSourceWithAds = buildMediaSourceWithAds(uri)

        //Bind the view from the xml to the SimpleExoPlayer instance
        playerView.player = player

        //Add the listener that listens for errors

        player?.seekTo(currentWindow, playbackPosition)

        player?.prepare(mediaSourceWithAds, true, false)

        //In case we could not set the exo player
        player?.playWhenReady = playWhenReady

        //We got here without an error, therefore set the inErrorState as false
        inErrorState = false

        //Re update the retry button since, this method could have come from a retry click

    private inner class PlayerEventListener : Player.DefaultEventListener() {

        fun updateResumePosition() {
            player?.let {
                currentWindow = player!!.currentWindowIndex
                playbackPosition = Math.max(0, player!!.contentPosition)

        override fun onPlayerStateChanged(playWhenReady: Boolean, playbackState: Int) {
            //The player state has ended
            //TODO check if there is going to be a UI change here
//            if (playbackState == Player.STATE_ENDED) {
//                showControls()
//            }
//            updateButtonVisibilities()

        override fun onPositionDiscontinuity(@Player.DiscontinuityReason reason: Int) {
            if (inErrorState) {
                // This will only occur if the user has performed a seek whilst in the error state. Update
                // the resume position so that if the user then retries, playback will resume from the
                // position to which they seek.

        override fun onPlayerError(e: ExoPlaybackException?) {

            var errorString: String? = null

            //Check what was the error so that we can show the user what was the correspond problem
            if (e?.type == ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_RENDERER) {
                val cause = e.rendererException
                if (cause is MediaCodecRenderer.DecoderInitializationException) {
                    // Special case for decoder initialization failures.
                    errorString = if (cause.decoderName == null) {
                        when {
                            cause.cause is MediaCodecUtil.DecoderQueryException -> getString(R.string.error_querying_decoders)
                            cause.secureDecoderRequired -> getString(R.string.error_no_secure_decoder,
                            else -> getString(R.string.error_no_decoder,
                    } else {

            if (errorString != null) {
                //Show the toast with the proper error
                Toast.makeText(activity as Context, errorString, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

            inErrorState = true

            if (isBehindLiveWindow(e)) {
            } else {

    private fun clearResumePosition() {
        //Clear the current resume position, since there was an error
        currentWindow = C.INDEX_UNSET
        playbackPosition = C.TIME_UNSET

    * This is for the multi window support
    * */
    private fun isBehindLiveWindow(e: ExoPlaybackException?): Boolean {
        if (e?.type != ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_SOURCE) {
            return false
        var cause: Throwable? = e.sourceException
        while (cause != null) {
            if (cause is BehindLiveWindowException) {
                return true
            cause = cause.cause
        return false

    private fun buildMediaSourceWithAds(uri: Uri): MediaSource {

        * This content media source is the video itself without the ads
        * */
        val contentMediaSource = ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(
                DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory("BUO-APP")).createMediaSource(uri) //TODO change the user agent

        * The method constructs and returns a ExtractorMediaSource for the given uri.
        * We simply use a new DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory which only needs a user agent string.
        * By default the factory will use a DefaultExtractorFactory for the media source.
        * This supports almost all non-adaptive audio and video formats supported on Android. It will recognize our mp3 file and play it nicely.
        * */
        return AdsMediaSource(
                /* adMediaSourceFactory= */ this,
                /* eventListener= */ null, null)

    override fun onStart() {

        if (Util.SDK_INT > 23) {

    override fun onResume() {

        * Starting with API level 24 Android supports multiple windows.
        * As our app can be visible but not active in split window mode, we need to initialize the player in onStart.
        * Before API level 24 we wait as long as possible until we grab resources, so we wait until onResume before initializing the player.
        * */
        if ((Util.SDK_INT <= 23 || player == null)) {

The ad never shows and if it shows it shows a rendering error E/ExoPlayerImplInternal: Renderer error. which never allows the video to show. I've run the examples from the IMA ads example code and it doesn't work neither. Does anyone have implemented the Exo Player succesfully with the latest ExoPlayer library version? Please Help. Thanks!


  • The problem is that the emulator can not render videos. Therefore it wasn't showing the ads or the video. Run the app on a phone and it will work