I'm using Heroku to host a Lumen app. I've setup the logging to send messages to stdout:
// bootstrap/app.php
$app->configureMonologUsing(function ($monolog) {
/** @var Monolog\Logger $monolog */
$monolog->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('php://stdout', \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG));
I've tested this works by adding a log message to the schedule function
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
\Log::info('Running cronjobs.');
The Heroku logs show:
Jan 19 09:42:15 service app/scheduler.4140: [2018-01-19 17:42:14] lumen.INFO: Running cronjobs. [] []
Jan 19 09:42:15 service app/scheduler.4140: Running scheduled command: '/app/.heroku/php/bin/php' artisan update:daily > '/dev/null' 2>&1
However the update:daily
command has a number of log messages inside it and none of them are showing up.
I thought this might be because of the > '/dev/null'
so I tried adding ->sendOutputTo('php://stdout')
and ->sendOutputTo(base_path('storage/logs/cronjobs.log'))
to the scheduled task but neither works.
Here's my Procfile:
web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-nginx -C heroku-nginx.conf -l storage/logs/cronjobs.log public/
Laravel uses the > '/dev/null'
when you do not call ->sendOutputTo()
. I couldn't figure out an appropriate way to use the ->sendOutputTo()
function to send to stdout.
What I did to fix this issue was change the ->command()
function to a ->call(function(){})
function and executed the same single line of code the terminal command could have called. When laravel calls a Closure, it does not dump the output to > '/dev/null'