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How to force VSCode to require manual choice where goimports match multiple packages with same name?

I just ran into issues where I am writing small web service with Go Iris framework. Iris has few useful packages for HTTP request error handling.

Namely, I wanted to use "" and "" however when I start typing app.Use(logger....) VSCode auto imported "" which is also in my path.

Simply copy-pasting right path will solve the issue, but is there a way to force VSCode to make a manual choice where multiple packages names are matched or even fully disable goimports for these cases.

Example below:

package main

import (
    // "" ! incorrect package


func main() {
    app := iris.New()
    // Optionally, add 2 built'n handlers
    // that can recover from any http-related error
    // and log the requests in terminal


  • If you start typing in the import () declaration, it will give you suggestions that match. So if you were to type logger it would give you the suggestion of:


    Just put the "" in the import and start typing the package you want.