i have a project made with Jhipster 4.9, in my linux i have jhipster 4.13.3
when i run 'jhipster import-jdl src/model/Model.jdl'
i get this error
The jdl is being parsed. An error has occurred: SyntaxError Error message: Expected "/", "angularSuffix", "dto", "entity", "enum", "except", "microservice", "noFluentMethod", "paginate", "relationship", "search", "service", "skipClient", "skipServer", ['\n'|'\t'|'\r'|' '| | ], [A-Z_], or end of input but "f" found.*
This is my Model.jdl
* Generated by JHipster IDE plugin
entity Region {
regionName String
entity Country {
countryName String
// an ignored comment
/** not an ignored comment */
entity Location {
streetAddress String
postalCode String
city String
stateProvince String
entity Department {
departmentName String required
* Task entity.
* @author The JHipster team.
entity Task {
title String
description String
* The Employee entity.
entity Employee {
* The firstname attribute.
firstName String
lastName String
email String
phoneNumber String
hireDate ZonedDateTime
salary Long
commissionPct Long
entity Job {
jobTitle String
minSalary Long
maxSalary Long
entity JobHistory {
startDate ZonedDateTime
endDate ZonedDateTime
language Language
enum Language {
relationship OneToOne {
Country{region} to Region
relationship OneToOne {
Location{country} to Country
relationship OneToOne {
Department{location} to Location
relationship ManyToMany {
Job{task(title)} to Task{job}
// defining multiple OneToMany relationships with comments
relationship OneToMany {
Employee{job} to Job,
* A relationship
Department{employee} to
* Another side of the same relationship
relationship ManyToOne {
Employee{manager} to Employee
// defining multiple oneToOne relationships
relationship OneToOne {
JobHistory{job} to Job,
JobHistory{department} to Department,
JobHistory{employee} to Employee
// Set pagination options
paginate JobHistory, Employee with infinite-scroll
paginate Job with pagination
dto * with mapstruct
filter * except JobHistory,Region
// Set service options to all except few
service all with serviceImpl except Employee, Job
// Set an angular suffix
angularSuffix * with mySuffix
The .jdl show no errors in eclipse. I am trying to implement filtering entities.
Anyone can help me.
I updated my project to jhipster 4.13.3 and it seems to work. but the code is generated with errors, class Location_ , Country_ with references in the code but don't exist anywhere. So i have to create de classes @StaticMetamodel(Employee.class) public class Employee_