My team kinda like TestCafe, but there are some reservations against adopting it. The main one being support for Gherkin integration. The gherkin-testcafe npm package and the sample seem not ready for primetime yet.
Is it a more reliable way of supporting BDD at the moment?
After a conversation with colleagues here at the office, we concluded that the best way to
was to just use some conventions while writing the TestCafe tests. For example, let's say you are given the following Gherkin file:
Feature: Application
As an administrator
I want to be able to view and manage Applications in my account
Scenario: Verify creating and deleting an application
Given I am in the login page
When I login to console with allowed user
And I go to Applications page
And I add an application
Then the application is added in the application page
Then the feature.ts file would look something like the following:
import {Selector} from 'testcafe';
import {LoginPageModel} from '../pagemodels/login.pagemodel';
import {ApplicationPageModel} from '../pagemodels/application.pagemodel';
let applicationPageModel: ApplicationPageModel = new ApplicationPageModel();
let loginPageModel: LoginPageModel = new LoginPageModel();
fixture(`Feature: Application
As a administrator
I want to be able to view and manage Applications in my account
let scenarioImplementation = async t => {
let stepSuccess: boolean;
stepSuccess = await loginPageModel.goToPage(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'Given I am in the login page');
stepSuccess = await loginPageModel.login(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'When I login to console with
allowed user');
stepSuccess = await applicationPageModel.selectPage(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'And I go to Applications page');
stepSuccess = await applicationPageModel.addApplication(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'And I add an application');
stepSuccess = await applicationPageModel.verifyAddedApplication(t);
await t.expect(stepSuccess).eql(true, 'Then the application is added in
the application page');
test(`Scenario: Verify creating and deleting an application
Given I am in the login page
When I login to console with allowed user
And I go to Applications page
And I add an application
Then the application is added in the application page`,