Given a folder I would like to construct tree of children down to x levels and render as jstrees html format (i.e ul, li so on) so that server files can be viewed remotely over webbrowser.
What is the best way to do this ?
Has anyone created a lib tieing java and jstree to do it, seems I cant be the first person to want to do this.
first, I'd like to point out that jsTree also accepts JSON as data input and not only raw html(
It looks like this:
// Expected format of the node (there are no required fields)
id : "string" // will be autogenerated if omitted
text : "string" // node text
icon : "string" // string for custom
state : {
opened : boolean // is the node open
disabled : boolean // is the node disabled
selected : boolean // is the node selected
children : [] // array of strings or objects
li_attr : {} // attributes for the generated LI node
a_attr : {} // attributes for the generated A node
To produce such a JSON format (or the equivalent in HTML form) can be done fairly easely using a recursive function. Here would be the pseudo-code:
class Node {
String id;
String text;
// ...
List<Node> children;
class Filesystem {
Node browse(File path, int depth) {
Node node = new Node(file);
if( depth > 0 ) {
for(File f : file.listFiles()) {
Node child = browse(f, depth - 1);
return node;
It's not a copy-paste solution, but it should fairly straighforward to obtain one.