I'm having problems getting Joomla to insert escaped data
Query is:
INSERT INTO #__shopper_orders
, ordering
, state
, checked_out
, checked_out_time
, created_by
, modified_by
, order_paypal_ref
, order_details
, fulfillment_status
, order_gift
, terms_conditions
) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '$newBody', '', '', '');
$newBody is
$newBody = $db->quote( $emailText );
the $emailText is
<h2>Website Order</h2><p>Thank you for your order. We've included a copy of it below.</p>
it throws the error as
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'you for your order. We\\'ve included a copy of it below.<\/p>\\r\\n<p>Quantiti' at line 3"
It seems to be escaping the already escaped ' character?
Any ideas?
Thought I'd add an update.
I saw nibra below and so tried his code but it didn't work. However I have code that works that looks really similar.
I like the way nibra does the code so I'd like to get it to work. So I've included both the working code and his code (commented out)
//Insert into orders table
$newBody = $db->quote( $body );
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query ="
INSERT INTO `#__shopper_orders`
(`id`, `ordering`, `state`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `created_by`, `modified_by`, `order_paypal_ref`, `order_details`, `fulfillment_status`, `order_gift`, `terms_conditions`)
VALUES (NULL, '', '1', '', '', '', '', '', $newBody, '1', '', '')
$insertId = $db->insertid();
/* $values = [
'id' => null,
'ordering' => '',
'state' => '1',
'checked_out' => '',
'checked_out_time' => '',
'created_by' => '',
'modified_by' => '',
'order_paypal_ref' => '',
'order_details' => $db->quote($body),
'fulfillment_status' => '1',
'order_gift' => '',
'terms_conditions' => '',
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->values(implode(',', $values))
$result = $db->execute();
$insertId = $db->insertid();*/
First, you should use the QueryBuilder instead of literal SQL. Users of your component might use other RDBMS than MySQL.
Second, JDatabaseDriver::quote
is adding the quotes, by default it also escapes the string. Thus quoting $newBody
additionally, breaks the SQL.
$db = \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDbo();
$values = [
'id' => null,
'ordering' => '',
'state' => '',
'checked_out' => '',
'checked_out_time' => '',
'created_by' => '',
'modified_by' => '',
'order_paypal_ref' => '',
'order_details' => $db->quote($emailText),
'fulfillment_status' => '',
'order_gift' => '',
'terms_conditions' => '',
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->values(implode(',', $values))
$result = $db->execute();