I want to make a function to choose another one in C, maybe this C-pseudo code can help a little to clarify what I want:
void set_method(const char *method)
// Check if the method is serial_port
if (strcmp(method, "serial_port") == 0)
// assign the alias "print" to serial_print
// something like defing here a function like this:
// print(const char *print) { serial_print(print); }
print(const char *print) = serial_print(const char *message)
else if (strcmp(method, "graphical_tty") == 0)
// The same that serial_port case but with graphical_tty_print
// Error
The goal is to assign an "alias" to a function if the condition is met, how can I do this?
I'm using a freestanding C implementation for this, compiled with clang.
It seems as you are looking for function pointers. See the following code, which introduces a type of function to call, a global pointer to a function of that type, and the code assigning an appropriate function according to your logic:
typedef int (*PrintFunctionType)(const char*);
int serial_print(const char *message) { printf("in serial: %s\n", message); return 0; }
int tty_print(const char* message) { printf("in tty: %s\n", message); return 0; }
PrintFunctionType print = serial_print; // default
void set_method(const char *method)
// Check if the method is serial_port
if (strcmp(method, "serial_port") == 0) {
print = serial_print;
else if (strcmp(method, "graphical_tty") == 0) {
print = tty_print;
else {
// Error
int main() {
//in serial: Hello!
//in tty: Hello!
Hope it helps :-)