I know what Rest Assured is and for what purpose it is used and the same for the cucumber.
But the thing is what we can achieve with Rest Assured, we can also do with Cucumber for testing.
Rest Assured simply calls the web service and validates the response. We can't use Rest Assured during the Maven build because the service needs to be up and running.
But with Cucumber I can directly call the web service's business service layer and DOA layer and validate the response. Cucumber can invoke this at Maven build time.
So question is which one is better? I know we can use/integrate Cucumber with Rest Assured but.
Cucumber is a BDD tool and can be used to describe the expected behavior and use those descriptions as the basis for test automation. RestAsured is a tool to test API's/http calls. They do something different. You could use them both: Cucumber to describe you functionality, and RestAssured to do http calls.