When i use php artisan schedule:run
command the shuffleQuoteOfTheDay
method is evaluated once and then it does not fire it every minute.
Kernel@schedule method
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
MotivationalQuoteService@shuffleQuoteOfTheDay method
public function shuffleQuoteOfTheDay(){
$currentQuoteOfADay = $this->getQuoteOfTheDay();
$randomQuote = MotivationalQuote::where('quote_of_the_day',false)->inRandomOrder()->first();
$currentQuoteOfADay->update(['quote_of_the_day' => false]);
$randomQuote->update(['quote_of_the_day' => true]);
return $randomQuote;
It does work once but not every minute, i have created jobs table.Can someone help me with this?Thank you in advance.
See Task Scheduling:
Here is the only Cron entry you need to add to your server:
* * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
This Cron will call the Laravel command scheduler every minute. Then, Laravel evaluates your scheduled tasks and runs the tasks that are due.
Laravel's task scheduler does not stay in memory, it needs to be run every minute. It will then check which tasks need to be run in that minute and run them. When you run the task scheduler using PHP it just runs once, it needs cron to run it every minute.
If your dev machine is a linux machine/homestead then you could test this lcoally.
To add a cron job:
$ crontab -e
then add * * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
to the crontab file and save it.
Do not forget to start/reload cron service.
On ubuntu:
$ sudo service cron reload