I have 2 mysql tables namely 'properties' and 'images'.
| propertyId | propertyTitle |
| 1 | 1 acre land |
| 2 | 2 acre land |
| 3 | 3 acre land |
| imageId | image | propertyId |
| 1 | land.jpeg | 1 |
| 2 | landview.jpg | 1 |
| 3 | viewland.jpeg | 2 |
They have a one-many relationship and the images table has a foreign key of the properties table. I would like to perform a query that selects a property and then selects a single image of the property. The query i'm trying to work with is
SELECT * FROM properties p
JOIN (SELECT * FROM images im LIMIT 1)
ON im.propertyId = p.propertyId;
Its not working though. Neither does it return an error.
We can handle this problem using two joins. First, join the properties table to the images table as you suspected in your question. Then, do an additional to join to a subquery which finds the first image for each property.
FROM properties p
INNER JOIN images i1
ON p.propertyId = i1.propertyId
SELECT propertyId, MIN(imageId) AS min_imageId
FROM images
GROUP BY propertyId
) i2
ON i1.propertyId = i2.propertyId AND
i1.imageId = t2.min_imageId;