I have a number of classes for which I wish to run a decorator function on. As I am aware decorators only run when the class/function/whatever they label is loaded into the code.
def decorator(cls):
print("Decorator executed")
return cls
class Example:
How can I trigger the decorator function on all the classes a decorator labels at startup of the django application without having to load each class separately? (or without having knowledge of the classes for which a decorator labels)
Solution Update:
I had a bunch of classes for which I wanted to run a decorator function on and they all contained 'Model' in their classname. Decorators on classes are executed upon an import of the given class so as a work around I made a function (which ran at startup) to import all classes containing 'Model' in their classname and as a byproduct the decorator function ran against all of these classes.
import glob
import importlib.util
def execute_decorator_against_classes():
for filename in glob.iglob("**/*Model.py",
module_name = filename.split("/")
module_name = module_name[len(module_name) - 1]
module_name = module_name[:module_name.rfind('.py')]
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name,
foo = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)