say aerospike database is having recorded data like below
let the namespace be employee
name age characteristics
sachin 25 MAP('{"weight":70, "height":25}')
now i want to change the value of height which is inside map for all the records in employee namespace through lua script.
i have tried for changing the bins of normal data type as below , i,e i tried to change the age as below:
function changeAgeOfEmployee(rec)
if not aerospike:exists(rec) then
error ("Invalid Record. Returning")
age = 30
rec['age'] = age
but i am not sure how to change the value in map in lua, can somebody please assist me in this
Your MAP
data-type is basically a lua table. MAP in lua can be written as:
local m = map {"weight" => 70, "height" => 25}
To loop over all the key/value pairs you should use the pairs iterator like this:
for key, value in map.pairs(m) do
m[key] = 30 --this changes all the values of your MAP to 30