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How to render a part of Component A in Component B

I have a component A and B

<div class="A">
    <div class="A1"></div>
    <div class="A2"></div>

<div class="B">
    <!--want to display <div class="A1"></div> here-->

Component B does not contain component A or way around


I tried to wrap <div class="A1"></div> in to ng-template and then in componentB I was querying for that, but it is always undefined:

@ViewChild('templ') templ: TemplateRef<any>;

Then I realized that @ViewChild is to query component children, so how would you query and render <ng-template> it it is not child component?


  • Have a look in to this awesome sideNav sample by Alex Rickabaugh, that demoing exactly what you need.

    Based on that you need to define an ng-container in your ComponentA. Then you need to mark the piece of your ComponentB with a custom directive and there is a service that connecting ComponentA and ComponentB:

    <div class="A1"><div>
    <div class="A2" *leftNav >


      selector: '[leftNav]',
    export class LeftNavDirective implements OnInit {
      constructor(private leftNav: LeftNav, private ref: TemplateRef<any>) {}
      ngOnInit(): void {


    export class LeftNav {
      private _state = new BehaviorSubject<TemplateRef<any>|null>(null);
      readonly contents = this._state.asObservable();
      setContents(ref: TemplateRef<any>): void {;
      clearContents(): void {;

    Finally in your ComponentB you have to subscribe for your <div class="A1"> ... <div> thing on ngAfterViewInit:

    ngAfterViewInit(): void {
          .subscribe(ref => {
            if (this._current !== null) {
              this._current = null;
            if (ref === null) {
            this._current = this.vcr.createEmbeddedView(ref);

    P.S there is a video and slides available on that topic.