I am using a Custom-Powershell-Script all the time. I simply can Dot-Source the File, but I have to do this in every session.
. .\Hello-World.ps1
Is there a way to dot-source a file permanently? I don't want to do this over and over again.
Check first your profiler is present or not.
Test-Path $profile
If it is returning False, we have to create them. Run PS in elevated mode.
New-Item -path $profile -type file –force
So it will ask the confirmation.
Open the file named Microsoft.Powershell_profile.ps1 from the path and add the entry there directly like:
. .\Hello-World.ps1
Once done,Save and restart it. If you open it again, you should be able to see the Dot Source Functions present in the Hello-World.ps1
By default $profile path should be:
Hope it helps.