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GatsbyJS - How to query longtext Contentful fields in GraphQL

I ran into a problem querying a field of type "long text" from contentful.

I know the Contentful long text field is actually markdown. So I installed the gatsby-transformer-remark plugin, which I presumed I need.

Here's my GraphQL query:

  query getStoreById($relativeUrl: String!) {
    contentfulStore(relativeUrl: { eq: $relativeUrl }) {
      mainPageTextContent {

The console still shows:

Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {childMarkdownRemark}). 

Something to do with that error message.



  • The query will look something like:

    query getStoreById($relativeUrl: String!) { contentfulStore(relativeUrl: { eq: $relativeUrl }) { relativeUrl shopPageTitle mainPageTextContent { childMarkdownRemark { html } } } }

    If you haven't learned how to use GraphiQL yet, try opening it at localhost:8000/___graphql! It's your best friend for learning how to query your Contentful schema.