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Django - how to make a complex math annotation (k Nearest Neighbors)

I have this model:

class Image(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to='img/')
    signature = models.TextField(null = True)

The signature is a numpy monodimensional vector encoded in json. In order to make my query, I have to decode each object signature into a nparray, and make a dot product between each object's signature and a given vector, then annotate as a float (named "score") field beside each raw. Lastly I have to order from max to min.

I tried this in

def image_sorted(request):
    query_signature = extract_feat(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "/cache" + "/003_ant_image_0003.jpg") # a NParray object

    image_list = Image.objects.annotate(
        JSONVectConverter.json_to_vect(F('signature')), query_signature.T
    ).astype(float)).order_by('score') #JSONVectConverter is a class of mine
    return render(request, 'images/sorted.html', {'image_sorted': image_list})

of course it doesn't work. I think "F()" operator is out of scope...

If you're wondering, I'm writing an image retrieval webapp for my university thesis.

Thank you.

EDIT: I found this that is quite the same problem (He use postgres instead of MySQL)

EDIT2: I just remember now what is the last solution I've adopted! First I pull out every vector from the DB and mantain it in RAM, then I make some simple computes to find the K-Nearest Neighbors. Then, I retrieve from the DB the respective image using its index (primary key). So I decouple this task from Django ORM. Here's the code (from the Rest API)

def query_over_db(query_signature, page):

    query_signature = np.array(query_signature)

    t0 = time.time()

    descriptor_matrix = cache.get('descriptor_matrix')
    id_vector = cache.get('id_vector')

    if not descriptor_matrix:
        id_vector = []
        descriptor_matrix = []
        images_dict = Image.objects.all().values('id', 'signature')
        for image in images_dict:
            s = image['signature']
            descriptor = np.array(s)

        cache.set('id_vector', id_vector)
        cache.set('descriptor_matrix', descriptor_matrix)

    t1 = time.time()
    print("time to pull out the descriptors : " + str(t1 - t0))
    t1 = time.time()
    #result = np.abs(, query_signature.T))

    #result = np.sum((descriptor_matrix - query_signature)**2, axis=1)

    result = ne.evaluate('sum((descriptor_matrix - query_signature)**2, axis=1)')

    t2 = time.time()
    print("time to calculate similarity: " + str(t2 - t1))

    perm = np.argsort(result)[(page - 1) * 30:page * 30]

    perm_id = np.array(id_vector)[perm]

    print("printing sort")

    t4 = time.time()

    print("time to order the result: " + str(t4 - t2))

    qs = Image.objects.defer('signature').filter(id__in=perm_id.tolist())

    qs_new = []
    for i in range(len(perm_id)):

    t3 = time.time()
    print("time to get the results from the DB : " + str(t3 - t2))
    print("total time : " + str(t3 - t0))
    return qs_new


  • I didn't come close to trying something this complex, however I've solved a similar issue here: Combining Django F, Value and a dict to annotate a queryset

    I haven't tried this but you could give it a go:

        from django.db.models import Case, When, FloatField
        query_signature = extract_feat(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "/cache" + "/003_ant_image_0003.jpg") # a NParray object
        value_dict = {}
        for image in Image.objects.all():
            value_dict[image.signature] =
        whens = [
            When(signature=k, then=v) for k, v in value_dict.items()
        qs = Image.objects.all().annotate(

    Hope it helps