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Kotlin Dagger not inject

I recently move from java to kotlin, and try to implement dagger 2 for dependency injection.

I've add this to my gradle

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'

implementation ""
kapt ""
compileOnly 'javax.annotation:jsr250-api:1.0'

Here is my module

class AppModule(val context : Context) {
    fun provideContext() = context

Here is my component

@Component(modules = arrayOf(AppModule::class))
interface AppComponent {
    fun inject(application: Application)

Here is my Application

class MyApplication : Application() {
    lateinit var context : Context

    lateinit var appComponent : AppComponent

    override fun onCreate() {

        appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder()

Here is my activity

class SplashActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val context = (applicationContext as MyApplication).context

and i get this error

Caused by: kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property context has not been initialized

This code is working in Java, any idea how to solve this?


  • The context property is declared in the MyApplication class, but you're injecting the Application base class here:

    fun inject(application: Application)

    ... which has no injectable properties. You have to make an inject method in your component for the specific class instead:

    fun inject(application: MyApplication)

    Here's an answer explaining how you can use Dagger with hierarchies in more detail.