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Local maximas with C++/OpenCV

I'm trying to implement a Harris corner detector with OpenCv and C++ and I can't seem to find an algorithm to find local maximas, I'm new to image processing, so would you please help me?


  • Take a 3x3 window, then check if centre pixel is the maximum

    I find I am constantly recycling this function from my binary image library

      get 3x3 neighbourhood, padding for boundaries
      Params: out - return pointer for neighbourhood
              binary - the binary image
              width - image width
              height - image height
              x, y - centre pixel x, y co-ordinates
              border - value to pad borders with.
      Notes: pattern returned is
                 0  1  2
                 3  4  5
                 6  7  8
             where 4 is the pixel at x, y.
    static void get3x3(unsigned char *out, unsigned char *binary, int width, int height, int x, int y, unsigned char border)
        if(y > 0 && x > 0)        out[0] = binary[(y-1)*width+x-1]; else out[0] = border;
        if(y > 0)                 out[1] = binary[(y-1)*width+x];   else out[1] = border;
        if(y > 0 && x < width-1)  out[2] = binary[(y-1)*width+x+1]; else out[2] = border;
        if(x > 0)                 out[3] = binary[y*width+x-1];     else out[3] = border;
                                  out[4] = binary[y*width+x];
        if(x < width-1)           out[5] = binary[y*width+x+1];     else out[5] = border;
        if(y < height-1 && x > 0) out[6] = binary[(y+1)*width+x-1]; else out[6] = border;
        if(y < height-1)          out[7] = binary[(y+1)*width+x];   else out[7] = border;
        if(y < height-1 && x < width-1) out[8] = binary[(y+1)*width+x+1]; else out[8] = border; 

    ` You might need to change unsigned char to int or float - the function is designed for binary images.