I am trying to write a script to install jitsi-meet
During installation, a dialog appears.
Can i enter the value of the field from the script automatically and simulate ENTER
so that i can install without any human interaction?
After more research on this topic, i've found that there is no simple script you can write to enter values automatically.
The only possible solution i've found are:
Specifically in the case of jitsi-meet, you can set value with the help of debconf.
Install debconf-utils: sudo apt install debconf-utils
Then, use debconf-get-selections | grep jitsi
to view the values already set and to change values(or set new values):
echo "jitsi-videobridge jitsi-videobridge/jvb-hostname string my-domain" | debconf-set-selections
echo "jitsi-meet jitsi-meet/cert-choice select Self-signed certificate will be generated" | debconf-set-selections
echo "jitsi-meet jitsi-meet/cert-path-crt string /etc/ssl/my-domain.crt" | debconf-set-selections
echo "jitsi-meet jitsi-meet/cert-choice select A certificate is available and the files are uploaded on the server" | debconf-set-selections
echo "jitsi-meet jitsi-meet/cert-path-key string /etc/ssl/my-domain.key" | debconf-set-selections
You can use
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install jitsi-meet
at the time of installation to avoid the interactive input screens. :)