Search code examples

Re.compile search doesn't show the full string

In a text I'd like to find if the text contains the following string:

"" after that anything until "jpg".

So this is the python code that I wrote:

asdf = ''

regex = re.compile(r'*jpg')

<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 60), match=''>

As you can see the result doesn't show the whole string with the "jpg". Why doesn't it work?


  • I don't think there's any guarantee that the characters displayed after match= are actually the complete contents of the string that got matched. It probably just cuts off after 50 characters or so.

    Looking at cpython's implementation of SRE_Match.__repr__, this is indeed the case: the 50R right there is the smoking gun.

    result = PyUnicode_FromFormat(
            "<%s object; span=(%d, %d), match=%.50R>",
    self->mark[0], self->mark[1], group0);

    If you access the actual matched string, rather than inspect it from the match object's printed representation, it goes all the way to jpg:

    >>> import re
    >>> asdf = ''
    >>> regex = re.compile(r'*jpg')
    >>> print(