I need to extract outliers from a ts. I wanted to use a customized function like:
return(vector_final )
My table would be (a short example):
tbl<-data.frame(aa=c('a','b', 'a', 'a','a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a'),
fecha=seq.Date(from=as.Date('01-01-2001', format='%d-%m-%Y'),
to=as.Date('01-11-2001',format='%d-%m-%Y'), by='month'),
I would like as a result a table with an extra column with zeros (or False) except for the values that are outliers (True or 1) like:
aa fecha cant outl
a 2001-01-01 7.586968e-01 NA
a 2001-03-01 9.939139e-01 NA
a 2001-04-01 6.064410e-01 NA
a 2001-05-01 2.937717e-02 NA
a 2001-09-01 4.321826e-02 FALSE
a 2001-11-01 1.000000e+03 TRUE
b 2001-02-01 9.572499e-01 NA
b 2001-06-01 3.364454e-01 NA
b 2001-07-01 2.776581e-01 NA
b 2001-08-01 1.171976e-01 NA
b 2001-10-01 3.703098e-01 FALSE
So to apply it I used rollapply:
tbl%>%group_by(aa)%>%arrange(aa,fecha) %>%
mutate(outl=rollapply(cant,5, es_outlier, align='right', fill=NA))
But I got the following error:
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) : Column
must be length 6 (the group size) or one, not 30
The function returns a vector with T or F for each element of the group passed.
My mistake was that the function was creating a vector for each observation. And I need to get only the last one. So the change is:
return(vector_final[length(vect)] )
And the result:
tbl%>%group_by(aa)%>%arrange(aa,fecha) %>%
mutate(outl=rollapply(cant,5, es_outlier, align='right', fill=NA))
# Groups: aa [2]
aa fecha cant outl
<fctr> <date> <dbl> <lgl>
a 2001-01-01 7.586968e-01 NA
a 2001-03-01 9.939139e-01 NA
a 2001-04-01 6.064410e-01 NA
a 2001-05-01 2.937717e-02 NA
a 2001-09-01 4.321826e-02 FALSE
a 2001-11-01 1.000000e+03 TRUE
b 2001-02-01 9.572499e-01 NA
b 2001-06-01 3.364454e-01 NA
b 2001-07-01 2.776581e-01 NA
b 2001-08-01 1.171976e-01 NA
b 2001-10-01 3.703098e-01 FALSE