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onCreateDialog in the general dialog fragment class returns null whenever I try to fetch the arguments which I set in my calling activity

This is the general Dialog Fragment class from where I set the arguments into the bundle

public class GeneralDialogFragment extends BaseDialogFragment<GeneralDialogFragment.OnDialogFragmentClickListener> {

    public interface OnDialogFragmentClickListener {
        public void onClicked(GeneralDialogFragment dialogFragment);

        public void onCancelClicked(GeneralDialogFragment dialogFragment);


    public static GeneralDialogFragment newInstance(String title, String message) {
        GeneralDialogFragment dialog = new GeneralDialogFragment();
        Bundle args = new Bundle();
        args.putString("title  ", title);
        args.putString("message", message);
        return dialog;

    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        return new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())


This is how I am calling it in the activity

GeneralDialogFragment generalDialogFragment = new GeneralDialogFragment();
                    generalDialogFragment.newInstance("Test", "Its working good");
          , "dialog");

But I get a null pointer exception on onCreateDialog during setTitle(getArguments().getString("title"))


  • The method newInstance is static, you don't need to create an object to reference it.
    You should call newInstance and get the reference to the Dialog:

    GeneralDialogFragment generalDialogFragment = GeneralDialogFragment.newInstance("Test", "Its working good");, "dialog");