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Extract R2 values from multiple adonis results

I am wondering if there is some way how to extract results from adonis function in vegan package and possibly save it by write.table?

I mean other way than print results to console and copy-past R2 value to Excel.

This can be especially useful when running adonis iteratively for multiple combinations and saving objects with results into one list as suggested in this SO answer.


  • Here is an example on how you can extract the needed parameters from the model. I will use the linked example:


    lapply is used here instead of a loop:

    results <- lapply(colnames(dune.env), function(x){
      form <- as.formula(paste("dune", x, sep="~")) 
      z <- adonis(form, data = dune.env, permutations=99)
      return($ #convert anova table to a data frame

    this will produce a list of data frames each having the form

    > results[[1]]
              Df SumsOfSqs   MeanSqs  F.Model        R2 Pr(>F)
    A1         1 0.7229518 0.7229518 3.638948 0.1681666   0.01
    Residuals 18 3.5760701 0.1986706       NA 0.8318334     NA
    Total     19 4.2990219        NA       NA 1.0000000     NA

    now you can name the list elements with the appropriate variable:

    names(results) <- colnames(dune.env)

    convert to a data frame:

    results <-, results)
                          Df SumsOfSqs   MeanSqs  F.Model        R2 Pr(>F)
    A1.A1                  1 0.7229518 0.7229518 3.638948 0.1681666   0.01
    A1.Residuals          18 3.5760701 0.1986706       NA 0.8318334     NA
    A1.Total              19 4.2990219        NA       NA 1.0000000     NA
    Moisture.Moisture      3 1.7281651 0.5760550 3.585140 0.4019903   0.01
    Moisture.Residuals    16 2.5708567 0.1606785       NA 0.5980097     NA
    Moisture.Total        19 4.2990219        NA       NA 1.0000000     NA
    Management.Management  3 1.4685918 0.4895306 2.767243 0.3416107   0.01
    Management.Residuals  16 2.8304301 0.1769019       NA 0.6583893     NA
    Management.Total      19 4.2990219        NA       NA 1.0000000     NA
    Use.Use                2 0.5531507 0.2765754 1.255190 0.1286690   0.30
    Use.Residuals         17 3.7458712 0.2203454       NA 0.8713310     NA
    Use.Total             19 4.2990219        NA       NA 1.0000000     NA
    Manure.Manure          4 1.5238805 0.3809701 2.059193 0.3544714   0.03
    Manure.Residuals      15 2.7751414 0.1850094       NA 0.6455286     NA
    Manure.Total          19 4.2990219        NA       NA 1.0000000     NA

    and now you can save it to a csv or any other format you like:

    write.csv(results, "res.csv")

    If only R squared is needed change the lapply call to:

    results <- lapply(colnames(dune.env), function(x){
      form <- as.formula(paste("dune", x, sep="~"))
      z <- adonis(form, data = dune.env, permutations=99)
      return(data.frame(name = rownames(z$, R2 = z$$R2))