Is there any way to declare a global function in Polymer 2.0 that can be used in other components? I have a moment.html
file for using moment.js in the project:
<script src="../bower_components/moment/moment.js"></script>
In the same file I also declare a function instead of declaring it in every single component where I want to use it:
function format(date) {
return moment(date).format('dddd, D MMMM YYYY');
The moment
object is available after importing the file but when I try to call the format
function it gives me the warning method 'format' not defined
. How can I make the function publicly available?
Edit: I can call the format
function from within the script tags of another component, but I cannot access it from within a template, i.e. with:
I want to render the result from the function on the page, not access it programmatically.
I think, for your task, the best documentation is Monica Dinculescu's own cheat sheet.
She's a Polymer developer. Below is me copy pasting from the link. It's the extends MyMixin(Polymer.Element)
that does the magic.
Defining a class expression mixin to share implementation between different elements:
MyMixin = function(superClass) {
return class extends superClass {
// Code that you want common to elements.
// If you're going to override a lifecycle method, remember that a) you
// might need to call super but b) it might not exist
connectedCallback() {
if (super.connectedCallback) {
/* ... */
Using the mixin in an element definition:
<dom-module id="element-name">
<template><!-- ... --></template>
// This could also be a sequence:
//class MyElement extends AnotherMixin(MyMixin(Polymer.Element)) { … }
class MyElement extends MyMixin(Polymer.Element) {
static get is() { return 'element-name' }
/* ... */
customElements.define(, MyElement);