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Can I make custom Easing fuction in React Native?

I'm trying to use react native Animated API for some header Animation like this:

I managed to transform the SVG component using Animate.timing and some easing functions, but I wasn't satisfied at these basic easing functions and want to make my own easing function like this.

Can I do this?


  • You can supply your own easing function as the easing property of the Animated.timing() config object rather than the predefined ones.

    The code might be like this:

        const bezierQuad = (t: number) => {
          return Math.min(1.0, Math.sin(28 * t - 6.16) / (5 * t - 1.1))
        Animated.timing(...., {
          toValue: ...,
          duration: ...,
          easing: bezierQuad,
        }).start(() => {