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x-api-key only secures some resources

My setup:

flask - awsLambda - zappa - api gateway

I do have a simple app running via above mentioned services. In my zappa_settings.json I have 'api_key_required' set to true.

Is it possible to set it up the way, that I will be using api key for every resource endpoint, but one (swagger documentation).

If, yes, where actually do I have to set it up. I don't have any api key setup in my flask app, so I assume it has to be done somewhere in aws.console - but I cannot find it.

EDIT: Just to add to correct answer (below). If you use flasgger it is not sufficient to add just one public endpoint pointing to /apidocs. To make documentation work without api key I had to open these enpoints:

  1. /apidocs and /apidocs/{proxy+}
  2. /apispec_1.json - may be different in your case
  3. /flasgger_static and /flasgger_static/{proxy+}


  • Yes, this is possible with a bit of configuration in the AWS console.

    In your API Gateway setup you probably have the default resources created with a Zappa deployment: / and /{proxy+}.

    Default resources

    You can now manually create a new resource corresponding to your documentation endpoint (e.g. /docs).

    Clicking on "Actions" -> "Create Resource" you can create the new resource:

    create new resource

    After the resource is created, click "Actions" -> "Create Method" and choose "ANY". Point the method and resource to your Lambda function in the dialog.

    By default, the new resource should not require the API key.

    no api key required

    Note: you might need to redeploy the gateway before the changes take effect. "Actions" -> "Deploy API".