For the sake of example, let's assume I have two sets:
(def set-a #{{:id 1 :name "ABC" :zip 78759} {:id 2 :name "DEF" :zip 78759}})
(def set-b #{{:id 1 :name "ABC" :zip 78753} {:id 3 :name "XYZ" :zip 78704}})
I would like to find an union between the sets, using only :id and :name fields. However, with out using a custom comparator I get four elements in the set, because :zip field is different.
(clojure.set/union set-a set-b)
#{{:id 3, :name "XYZ", :zip 78704} {:id 1, :name "ABC", :zip 78753}
{:id 1, :name "ABC", :zip 78759} {:id 2, :name "DEF", :zip 78759}}
What is the idomatic way of finding union between two sets using a custom comparator or compare?
You could use group-by
to do this:
(map first (vals (group-by (juxt :id :name) (concat set-a set-b))))
Or threaded:
(->> (concat set-a set-b)
(group-by (juxt :id :name))
(map first))
This is grouping your elements by a combination of their key/values i.e. (juxt :id :name)
. Then it grabs the val
ues of the produced map, then map
s first
over that to get the first item in each grouping.
Or use some code specifically built for this like distinct-by
Note these approaches apply to any collection, not just sets.