I am trying to change the function inside the following program into a procedure. The program is supposed to read 5 different integers and then sort them from small numbers to large ones. The version with the function works fine, but the one with the procedure doesn't sort the numbers. It only prints the numbers I typed in. For example, when I type 4, 5 , 7, 3, 1 into the console, it would print 4, 5, 7, 3, 1 instead of the desired 1, 3, 4, 5, 7.
So the question is: how do I get the procedure version to work in the same way as the function version?
I am pretty sure there is something here that I don't understand, but I cannot seem to find out... Any help is greatly appreciated!
This is the version that uses a function:
program FeldSortFunction(input, output); { sorts a field of integers}
type tIndex = 1..FELDGROESSE; tFeld = array [tIndex] of integer;
var EingabeFeld : tFeld; MinPos,
i : tIndex; Tausch : integer;
function FeldMinimumPos (Feld : tFeld; von, bis:tIndex): tIndex; { finds the Position of the minimum inside the field between von and bis, 1 <= von <= bis <= FELDGROESSE }
var MinimumPos, j:tIndex;
MinimumPos := von;
for j:= von + 1 to bis do
if Feld[j] < Feld[MinimumPos] then
MinimumPos := j;
FeldMinimumPos := MinimumPos
end; { FeldMinimumPos }
begin { Read the field } writeln ('Geben Sie ', FELDGROESSE, ' Werte ein:'); for i := 1 to FELDGROESSE do
readln (EingabeFeld[i]);
{ sort the integers }
for i := 1 to FELDGROESSE - 1 do begin
MinPos := FeldMinimumPos (EingabeFeld, i, FELDGROESSE);
{The minimum has been found, now we need to exchange this value with the element on position i}
Tausch := EingabeFeld[MinPos];
EingabeFeld[MinPos] := EingabeFeld[i];
Eingabefeld[i] := Tausch; end;
{ print the sorted field } for i := 1 to FELDGROESSE do
write (EingabeFeld[i]:6); writeln;
readln; end. { FeldSort }
And this is the version that uses a procedure:
program FeldSortProcedure(input, output);
{ sorts a field of integers and defines the value of the minimum}
tIndex = 1..FELDGROESSE;
tFeld = array [tIndex] of integer;
SortierFeld : tFeld;
i : tIndex;
MinimumWert : integer;
procedure FeldMinimumPosUndWert (Feld : tFeld; von, bis:tIndex; MinPos:tIndex; MinWert : integer);
{ finds Position and value of the Minimums inside Feld between von and bis }
MinPos := von;
MinWert := Feld[von];
for ind := von + 1 to bis do
if Feld[ind] < Feld[MinPos] then
MinPos := ind;
MinWert := Feld[ind]
end; { FeldMinPosUndWert }
{ Read the field }
writeln ('Please key in ', FELDGROESSE, ' numbers:');
for i := 1 to FELDGROESSE do
readln (SortierFeld[i]);
{ sort the field }
FeldMinimumPosUndWert (SortierFeld, i, FELDGROESSE, MinimumPos, MinimumWert);
{ prints the sorted field }
for i := 1 to FELDGROESSE do
write (SortierFeld[i]:6);
end. { FeldSort }
Obviously you aren't getting anywhere with this, so I'll give a hint:
turn your function
function FeldMinimumPos (Feld : tFeld; von, bis:tIndex): tIndex;
into a procedure with:
procedure FeldMinimumPos(feld: TFeld; von, bis: TIndex; var pos: TIndex);
{ finds the position of the minimum inside the field between von and bis,
1 <= von <= bis <= FELDGROESSE }
j: TIndex;
pos := von;
for j := von + 1 to bis do
if feld[j] < feld[pos] then
pos := j;
end; { FeldMinimumPos }
and call it with:
FeldMimimumPos(EingabeFeld, i, FELDGROESSE, MinPos);
and you should be fine.
A few remarks, though:
on its own line and align it properly, don't put it after the previous command. Align your variable declarations, and start loops on their own line too. Etc...const
declaration. The code you posted doesn't compile. Always post the actual code, copied from your editor and pasted (verbatim) into the edit box for your question (or answer). Do not post code from memory or by typing it off a screen or a sheet of paper.