When I try to use PDF::Table module on Debian Jessie (Perl 5.20), I get this message:
Useless use of greediness modifier '?' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(\S{20}? <-- HERE )(?=\S)/ at /usr/share/perl5/PDF/Table.pm line 370.
This module works great on Debian Wheezy (with Perl 5.014002) but an upgrade in Perl 5.20 seems to make it unusable on Debian Jessie. The only documentation I found on this bug talks about the Perl upgrade, but doesn't give any solution to fix that. The script I use is the PDF::Table main example on CPAN:
use strict;
use warnings;
use PDF::API2;
use PDF::Table;
my $pdftable = new PDF::Table;
my $pdf = new PDF::API2(-file => "table_of_lorem.pdf");
my $page = $pdf->page;
# some data to layout
my $some_data =[
["1 Lorem ipsum dolor",
"Donec odio neque, faucibus vel",
"consequat quis, tincidunt vel, felis."],
["Nulla euismod sem eget neque.",
"Donec odio neque",
"Sed eu velit."],
#... and so on
my $left_edge_of_table = 50;
# build the table layout
# required params
x => $left_edge_of_table,
w => 495,
start_y => 500,
start_h => 300,
# some optional params
next_y => 750,
next_h => 500,
padding => 5,
padding_right => 10,
background_color_odd => "gray",
background_color_even => "lightblue", #cell background color for even rows
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Ok";
My hoster only says that I have to "adapt my code"... Can you please help me to find the right way to do that? I only noticed this bug when using PDF::Table, but is there a possibilty to have the same problem with another Perl module on Perl 5.20? Thank you very much for your help!
The problem you are seeing is a warning. It's annoying, but it can be ignored. The module was fixed in version 0.9.10. You can install that from CPAN directly instead of using the system package and then the warning will go away.