On a web page I can display a static map using something like.
However when I try
Where #{location.coords.lat}, and #{location.coords.lng} are interpolated strings from a controller file, from this line.
coords: {lat: 51.455041, lng: -0.9690884},
All i see is a broken image.
I know that I can access lat, and lng, because when I create a paragraph
p #{location.coords.lat}
it displays as "51.455041" when the page is loaded.
The following is from pug's doc:
Previous versions of Pug/Jade supported an interpolation syntax such as:
a(href="/#{url}") Link This syntax is no longer supported.
If you are using your link as img
source, the correct syntax is:
img(src='http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=' + location.coords.lat + ',' + location.coords.lng + '&zoom=17&size=400x350&sensor=false&markers=' + location.coords.lat + ',' + location.coords.lng + '&scale=2')